Design choices - log cabin quilt layout

I've made some more blocks for my pastel scraps log cabin quilt and they're all now cut to size (7 inch squares) - but the next bit is trying to decide the layout and design.  The log cabin blocks have whites and pale strips on two sides, and colours on the other two, giving me a load of layout options that give the quilt different effects.  Here they are side by side to try and make deciding between them easier:

1. Straight setting;  2. Pinwheels;  3. Straight furrows; 

4. Chevron;  5. Barn raising;  6. Streak of Lightning;

7. Log cabin star;  8. Sunshine and shadows;  9. Shadows and lightning.

Suggestions on a postcard please!

Large images here...

1. Straight setting...

2. Pinwheels...

3. Straight furrows...

4. Chevron...  

5. Barn raising...  

6. Streak of Lightning...

7. Log cabin star...  

8. Sunshine and shadows...

9. Shadows and lightning...